Showing posts with label Community Learning Center (CLC). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community Learning Center (CLC). Show all posts


6/15/2024 火村 7376

Community Learning Center 1

Broadly speaking, the Community Learning Centre or commonly known as "PKBM" (Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Mandiri) in Indonesian language is a place where students from all walks of life can have their own learning program outside of school hours or their busy work schedules. To put it simply, such Community Learning Centres are the places of learning outside the formal education system, which exist both in rural and urban areas. In addition to this, the purpose of Community Learning Centre (PKBM) is built and managed by the local community to provide various learning opportunities in the context of acknowledging the development of its platform, so as to improve the quality of citizens’ lives. As an institution founded by and established for the sake of community in societies, the Community Learning Centre (PKBM) has the potential to be run as an independent organization. Although initially the establishment of many Community Learning Centres relied heavily on the assistance and funding from the Indonesian government, however, it is estimated that the number of these autonomous studying places in Indonesia is expected to grow rapidly in the next few decades.

PKBM D'Royal Morocco 2

Community Learning Center 3

Speaking of what motivates us to build the D'Royal Morocco Community Learning Centre is none other than exerting our efforts to contribute and assist the Indonesian government in producing such qualified, competent, and skilful human resources (which in this case, the nation's children) so that the development of an individual’s quality of life in the Republic of Indonesia overtime can be improved in the near future. With that being said, we strongly put our hopes that students or those who join our studying courses at the D'Royal Morocco Community Learning Centre will turn into invaluable seeds who possess a high degree of self-competitiveness, exceptional prowess, practical knowledge, and equipped with good morals in particular so that they will not only be able to attain their dreams, but also will be able to carry out a mandate as Indonesian citizens; becoming the next powerful generations who will look after the country’s future even better.

PKBM D'Royal Morocco 4

Community Learning Center 5

On the other hand, every organization has their objectives and goals which must be accomplished, both in the short and long run. Such vision and mission are generally the benchmark for achieving success and progress of an organization so that in practice, they can be used as an instrumental basis in forming and making several rules and policies for the benefits of organizational members. At the D'Royal Morocco Community Learning Centre, we certainly have our own vision and mission too, which are the benchmarks or the guidelines to assist us in achieving our objectives and goals that we desire for the success and the progress of our respected organization.


- To produce students with Islamic noble characters and global competence.



- To educate students to be grateful for their success only due to the help of The Almighty God (ALLAH SWT).

- To nurture students to think beyond common targets and assist them in achieving international recognitions.

- To foster students to always show respect and embrace themselves as citizens who love their country.

- To train students to exploit their potentials so that they can be autonomously creative.


- We strive to create such an interactive, innovative, and fun learning mechanism.

- We endeavour to equip our learners with the knowledge they need so that they will possess basic competencies to pursue their studies to the next level.

- We teach our students to always have faith, piety, and Islamic noble characters.

- We train our learning participants to develop their potentials to become actively skilful and social-minded.

- We educate our children to recognize and love their nation, society, and the diversity of Indonesian culture.