While I was scrolling down and trying to keep abreast
of the latest newsfeed on social media, I accidentally came across reading one
intriguing article which literally piqued my interest and it sort of evoked my
instant recollections of the two prominent musicians (Chris Cornell of
Audioslave & Chester Bennington of Linkin Park) who had a prolonged history
of struggling with chronic depression throughout their lives. It was about the
ongoing case of a junior medical doctor who worked at the Queen Elizabeth
Hospital in Birmingham (England) named "Dr.
Vaishnavi Kumar" where she was reported to have committed suicide in
June 2022 due to the severe effect of toxicity at her workplace, and her father
has been relentlessly demanding an utter justice for her daughter’s untimely
death since then.
To certain people out there, addressing the so-called "Mental Health Disorder" may
still appear to be something taboo and inconvenient to be discussed openly,
yet, many of us often times possess a tendency to underestimate or even dismiss
the crucial impact of the role that mental health plays in our lives,
especially from the aspects of dealing with our day-to-day routines. Besides,
one of the most contributing factors which tend to escalate such a high degree
of employee turnover in any industries is associated with the amount of
conduciveness inflicted by a work environment. In other words, the more toxic
the cultivation of corporate culture manifested in an organization, the more
frequent the replacement of hiring new recruits will take place in a matter of
To begin with, the aforementioned case of a young medical doctor’s sudden death and its aftermath was among a series of solemn issues subject to the six-week rapid review led by Professor Mike Bewick following a perpetual sequence of damning allegations which was aired on BBC Newsnight in June 2022. According to one particular source of information retrieved, it was stated that the female Indian doctor decided to take her own life after feeling "belittled" at her workplace, which was perceived as the type of bullying case for us to be concerned with since it could trigger a never-ending episode of mental health struggles to the point where the victim would end up committing suicide.
reference to the additional details of her impromptu demise, it was further
revealed that when she felt overwhelmingly distressed by the unpleasant work
ambiance at a hospital she worked, a lethal cocktail of medication was
identified to be the primary cause which was something she consumed and
eventually, a group of ambulance team failed to rescue her as she took her last
breath at City Hospital on June 22nd 2022.
Obviously, the above incident pertaining to a mental health problem could immediately prompt our eye brows to start questioning how such an impact of toxic workplace in the most extreme case can inflict a profound severity on a person’s mental health condition; resulting in an innocent soul to be in a dire state of suffering from suicidal thoughts.
Nevertheless, following the audacity of decision to end her life in June 2022,
the junior medical doctor was also found to have left pieces of final words on
a note she wrote, in which she went saying that "she was sorry to her
dearest beloved mother, and she could blame the whole thing on the Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham" (an exact location where her dead
body was discovered following her drug prescriptions with an excessive amount
of alcohol consumed as the ultimate consequence of her mental health struggle, which
stemmed from the adverse effect of her workplace toxicity).